Sunday, December 23, 2012


By larry r Linville

(here's a poem I wrote for the church service today (Dec. 23, 2012)

After years as a struggling carpenter

my life was taking a turn for the good.

I could now ask the beautiful Mary

to be my wife and she said she would.

I don’t think my feet ever touched the ground

everywhere I walked in our little town.

My joy was crushed when she told me some news

which turned my smile into a great big frown.

She said she was to give birth to God’s son

which would ruin her reputation and mine.

So I spent many hours in some very deep prayer

and God told me that everything is fine.

I began to feel how special we were.

Mary would give birth to God’s only Son

and I could help him grow to be man

knowing that this task would never be done.

That crazy census didn’t fit my plans.

The trip wasn’t safe for my dear Mary

so close to the day of her delivery.

A long ride on a donkey was very scary.

reaching Bethlehem was such a relief.

Mary stayed healthy until the last day

but we found another big obstacle

because we couldn’t find a place to stay.

We traveled from one inn to another.

They turned us away because we were poor.

But they found room for those who were rich.

No one smiled as each slammed their door.

I lost my temper at all the denials.

“We need a room where a king can be born!”

I shouted at the top of my lungs,

which only resulted in looks of deep scorn.

In my indignation I heard from God

He said He came not as royalty

but to identify with all the needy

and that’s why he chose Mary and me.

With my attitude newly adjusted

I went to the last inn as a stranger.

The innkeeper saw my new humility

and gave us a cave with a small manger.

I knew that manger would have to hold God’s son

so I fixed it up so pretty and fine

and before I knew it Mary gave birth

to God’s son, and in a special way – mine.

I sat beside Mary and we both smiled.

Though poor, we felt the richest on this earth.

I thought I saw the animals smile too.

We were all soaking in this miracle birth.

Don’t know what times it was but it was dark.

A strange kind of light was coming through a crack

so I went to the door and looked to the south

at something so strange I was taken aback.

The sky was brighter than I’ve ever seen

and the sweet music was in the sky.

I had no idea where it was

and even less of an idea why.

Soon the light and music both went away

and the deep darkness was back again.

I don’t know how, but I soon dozed off.

When I woke up some strangers came in.

Some shepherds entered as white as a sheet.

They seemed so scared like they’d seen a ghost.

They talked of bright light and many angels

who sang lovely as a heavenly host.

I quickly knew that was what I had seen.

They told us the message they’d been given

so we prayed with these messengers

feeling with them the closeness of heaven.

These men were poor people just like us.

I saw Mary had a smile on her face.

She had come to the deep conclusion

This babe was a gift to the human race.

Born to the lowly in a lowly stable

and to the lowly the message first came.

The wealthy and important in that town

had not yet been told of the baby’s name.

Emmanuel was the name God had said.

“God with us” is what this name means.

This child was God present in the flesh

and it was demonstrated in these scenes.

Herod and all the people in control

when this great even had taken place

were not aware for a couple of years

when some wise men came to make their case.

Herod was threatened by a new born king.

did not understand the implications.

He thought the new king was for Israel

But he was king of all the nations.