Friday, November 16, 2007

Catching Up

I cannot believe how busy I have found myself. Now, I think this is good to a degree. I think too many people retire and just sit around. I don't think that is good. I will not let that happen for me. So here are some of the things I'm doing --- in case you're interested.

1. I go to the gym four mornings a week to get exercise. That is important for my diabetes control but it's also important for my overall health.

2. I work at the computer with my poetry and a short story about a dog who communicates with me through the computer. Since March I have written over 150 poems. I've probably written a dozen episodes of the dog story. I have a manuscript for a book of 60 poems at the publisher right now.

3. I have filled pulpits. I've preached at 7 churches since July 1. I will be preaching at the church I now attend, North Star, on Nov. 25th and I will be preaching at Turney on Dec. 16th and 23rd and lead a Christmas Eve service on the 24th.

4. I help at my own church. I enjoy hearing my pastor's sermons. I have also worked with the Children's Church one Sunday and I will be working with the Confirmation class in December. I'm also working with the formation of groups.

5. I continue to attend the lectionary study on Tuesday's at noon even though I don't write a sermon each week. This is a source of keeping my mind occupied and it is a time of fellowship.

6. When Thelma quit working we started a part-time business. We are trying to help people have legal protection at an affordable price. Most of us can't afford to just call a lawyer with a question. Many of us don't have a will. We are working with a company that makes this available at no additional charge over the membership fee. We are excited to be able to help people and put a few dollars in our pockets. If you find this worth checking out, I invite you to visit my webpage:

7. Thelma and I actually have time to do things together after all these years of chasing our separate jobs. Besides our times with the business, we are able to attend family events more and be at things our children and grandchildren are doing.

I was going for ten things. God seems to think in tens but God also did a lot of sevens so I'll let that do it. Because of all these activities, my poetry output has slowed so I may have to blog about other things. BUT DON'T WORRY -- I'll still have plenty of poetry. I'll be posting a poem about why Jesus Couldn't Be Elected President and I also am working on a poem about Mary's call to give birth to Jesus.

May you have a good day.


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