Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Church Camp

Church Camp
By Larry Linville

It was hot, so terribly hot,
I asked God to relieve the pain.
It cooled off, cooled off real nice
but then we had some rain.

There were people all around.
I always had to stand in line.
But as I got to know them
everything turned out fine.

I was missing Mom and Dad,
heck, I even missed my cat.
But I replaced them with my new friends.
Can you imagine that?

They fed me food I didn’t like,
I couldn’t clean my plate.
But my second meal had what I liked,
Next time I’ll not be late.

I wasn’t sure about the camp
and you might think it’s queer
that I am going to beg my folks
to let me go next year.


Anonymous said...

So you did not like church camp the first time???

Larry Linville said...

I wrote this trying to place myself in the position of one of the first graders who might have been there. It was purely a reflection of the small children I have seen down through the years.