OK, I may be sorry, but I felt moved to commit myself to a very difficult discipline during lent. I was listening to my pastor at North Star this morning and he set my mind in motion. Lent begins on Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. It lasts for 40 days (not counting Sundays).
We often are asked, "What are you GIVING UP for lent?" I don't particularly like that. Of course there are things to give up but I also believe you should add something. I believe we often settle for things that are easy to do so we won't fail. So---I am committing myself to something which will be very difficult and I may fail.
Here it is:
I want to commit myself to use this blog to quote and comment on a scripture each day (except Sundays) during Lent. I hope to do a poem each day about the scripture but some days it may have to be prose. (Prose would be hard enough).
I will be using the daily scripture readings for Lent from the Book of Common Prayer (which is the official book for the Episcopal Church).
Am I crazy? Probably, but I'll be a "fool for Christ."
I hope you will follow each day and hold me responsible.
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