Sunday, June 20, 2010

Baseball With My Dad

Baseball With My Dad
By larry r linville

My dad had little time just to rest
but he did not work on Sunday.
We did not yet have television
so the Sabbath was his fun day.

I missed my favorite radio
so he could hear a baseball game
and at the age of twelve I learned
I, his baseball, buddy became.

I listened to the Cardinals with him
as he cheered for Slaughter and Stan.
Before the season was completed
I became a real Cardinal fan.

We listened as Stan hit five homers
on a Sunday with back to back games.
“It was because we were listening,”
with a big smile my father claims.

Dad’s been gone forty five years
but I know I sat with him today
and watched the Cardinals play a game
so in thanksgiving I think I’ll pray.

He wasn’t here physically
but I felt his spirit so near.
Perhaps we’ll watch another game
on Father’s Day in another year.

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