Friday, March 4, 2011

New House – Old Barn
By larry r linville

When in a car riding down the road
as a young boy with my dad
he pointed out many things to me
which were both good and bad.

It was his way of transferring
his values on to me.
He knew the words were much better
if there were objects I could see.

At a farm with a modern house
and barn that had seen better days
he said they had it all backwards
because a new house never pays.

When one builds a barn and property
they will bring income to the place
then there will be enough money
that a new house one could embrace.

Infrastructure is our country’s barn
and education grows the crops
which build a solid foundation
and prosperity that never stops.

We need to get priorities straight
like those farmers in days of yore
and put the horse ahead of the cart
and find what bring joys galore.

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