Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Child’s Musings About Flies.
By larry r Linville

Why do flies come in many sizes
Some with big feet and long thighses.
Some have small bodies and tiny eyeses
Each fly is full of big surprises.

Do little flies always stay small
Or after a while do they grow tall?
Are the big flies so much wiser
Or do they spend much time on ‘fertilizer”?

No matter their size, flies are a pest
Certainly not a welcome house guest
Not what we’d want as an insider
Although that would please every spider.

One fly woke up and away he flew
But was replaced by another fly or two.
I slapped at them and they were soon gone
So when I counted I found there were none.

When it’s winter where do they go?
Do they leave to avoid all the snow?
Or do they fly south like they were a bird?
I don’t think so – that’s so absurd.

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