Monday, September 19, 2011

Mozart and Me
By larry r linville

At eight Mozart wrote his first music
which seems to me to be quite scary.
The only thing at did at that age
was look under toad stools for a fairy.

When he played musical instruments
I couldn’t do any music thing
I wanted to be in the church choir
but people said I couldn’t sing.

They say he was a young prodigy.
I didn’t even know what that means.
He was at concerts and other things
but I never took in those scenes.

My family was very musical
Both of my grandpas could play a horn.
One tried to teach me to play trumpet
but soon told me to go plow some corn.

I wanted to be a musician
I bought a guitar on a bet.
They told me it would take time to learn
and insured me that I shouldn’t fret.

I’ve played a guitar for fifty years.
It came pretty easy from the start.
If I start bragging about my skill
I’m reminded I’m not a Mozart.

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