Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DAY 4 – Joseph’s Dream

Joseph, we’re told you had a strange dream
with an angel telling you of a scheme
to let you know things were okay
with all the news Mary had to say.

How comforting that must have been
and how helpful to clue you in
to the strange events that would come to you
so you would know what you should do.

Do you think you’d have done what was right
if it was not for the dream that night?
It would be great to have those dreams today
to help us do thing the correct way.

Tell us your decision was hard as ours
and it was like scaling up tall towers
so we can’t use you as an alibi
no matter how cleverly we try.

With your new ease I’ll bet you could cope
waiting for the birth with much hope.
I guess when we find what we should do
we can have a great hope like you.

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