Tuesday, December 6, 2011

DAY 11 – The Donkey’s Owner

Joseph and Mary didn’t have much.
His business wasn’t doing well.
He wanted to buy a donkey
But I decided I wouldn’t sell.

They had to go to Bethlehem
to answer Caesar’s census call
but Mary was so great with child
and she shouldn’t walk at all.

So I gave them a little donkey
and said they could bring it back
My wife knew they would be hungry
so she put much food in a sack.

I could never do enough for God
for all of God’s goodness to me.
They safely arrived in Bethlehem
And later to Egypt they’d flee.

A few years later they came home
and the donkey returned safe and sound.
When Jesus started his ministry
that donkey was hanging around.

He asked if he could borrow it
for a Jerusalem trip one day.
I gave it to him because he asked
what more was there I could say.

He rode that donkey to begin life
and he rode it in his last week.
I’ve wondered what that donkey
would say
if he just had a chance to speak.

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