Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Where Friends Come From

Where Friends Come From
Larry Linville
I’m thinking today of those folks
who somehow have entered my life.
They appear in the strangest ways
in good times as well as in strife.

Some people I have met on line
and other moves into my block.
People I’ve met at a cafe
and others are part of my flock.

There are many people each day
so why do these people stand out?
Why do some people pass right through
while friendship in others will sprout?

They become much more than a face --
take their place as a great treasure
remain as a big part of life
and they give me so much pleasure.

Sometimes I have so much to give
and sometimes I simply receive.
Such give and take is part life
at least that is what I believe.

So today I simply thank God
there is nothing less I could do.
And if you are one of these folks
I also express thanks to you.

© Copyright 2007 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved. Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work


Anonymous said...

This is neat---I have been thinking of old friends and people that were in my life in Milan and Green City in the 50s 60s and 70s
Since a Creighton Cox who graduated from Milan in 61 is a member of our church here in JC and is now a lay speaker and preached at Milan and Green City the last Sunday of July----we have talked and talked about people and all of them were a part of my life and his and they all helped me to be where I am today.

Larry Linville said...

Helen, your words are so correct. I guess this even relates to us. We would never have known each other if I had not been at Milan and knew so many of your family.