Sunday, December 25, 2011

I woke up early this morning with these ideas running in my head. I put them in poetry form and now I have scrapped what I was going to preach and this will be my "short" meditation.

Christmas 2011
By larry r Linville

What if Jesus was born today
Right in our town
Not far away
Not in a barn but on a back street
Where someone nearby would send a tweet
A cell phone picture would be in place
On a Face Book page with great haste
From there to You Tube it would go
Where the hits would rapidly grow
The networks would cover the story
But they would leave out all the glory
Some people would think it was cute
To others a story of ill repute
Some would hate it because they were poor
But compassion in others would soar
Who would be the shepherds today
What would their Face Book messages say
How would angelic messages be
What would we hear
What would we see
Jesus IS born for us today
When we read the Word and pause to pray
Our life will have a super lift
When we receive God’s greatest gift
Jesus is the best gift we can share
When we let people know we care
How can this birth change your life
In this world so full of strife
How can it change the words you use
Words of peace
Or words that confuse
Will it change actions so uncouth
As it leads you to find real truth
Will this humble birth live in you
And still be there when this year’s through
Since Jesus WAS born again today
Right where you are
Not far away
I urge you to be a living tweet
Spreading God’s love on your own street


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing...................

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing..............

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