Sunday, December 23, 2012


By larry r Linville

(here's a poem I wrote for the church service today (Dec. 23, 2012)

After years as a struggling carpenter

my life was taking a turn for the good.

I could now ask the beautiful Mary

to be my wife and she said she would.

I don’t think my feet ever touched the ground

everywhere I walked in our little town.

My joy was crushed when she told me some news

which turned my smile into a great big frown.

She said she was to give birth to God’s son

which would ruin her reputation and mine.

So I spent many hours in some very deep prayer

and God told me that everything is fine.

I began to feel how special we were.

Mary would give birth to God’s only Son

and I could help him grow to be man

knowing that this task would never be done.

That crazy census didn’t fit my plans.

The trip wasn’t safe for my dear Mary

so close to the day of her delivery.

A long ride on a donkey was very scary.

reaching Bethlehem was such a relief.

Mary stayed healthy until the last day

but we found another big obstacle

because we couldn’t find a place to stay.

We traveled from one inn to another.

They turned us away because we were poor.

But they found room for those who were rich.

No one smiled as each slammed their door.

I lost my temper at all the denials.

“We need a room where a king can be born!”

I shouted at the top of my lungs,

which only resulted in looks of deep scorn.

In my indignation I heard from God

He said He came not as royalty

but to identify with all the needy

and that’s why he chose Mary and me.

With my attitude newly adjusted

I went to the last inn as a stranger.

The innkeeper saw my new humility

and gave us a cave with a small manger.

I knew that manger would have to hold God’s son

so I fixed it up so pretty and fine

and before I knew it Mary gave birth

to God’s son, and in a special way – mine.

I sat beside Mary and we both smiled.

Though poor, we felt the richest on this earth.

I thought I saw the animals smile too.

We were all soaking in this miracle birth.

Don’t know what times it was but it was dark.

A strange kind of light was coming through a crack

so I went to the door and looked to the south

at something so strange I was taken aback.

The sky was brighter than I’ve ever seen

and the sweet music was in the sky.

I had no idea where it was

and even less of an idea why.

Soon the light and music both went away

and the deep darkness was back again.

I don’t know how, but I soon dozed off.

When I woke up some strangers came in.

Some shepherds entered as white as a sheet.

They seemed so scared like they’d seen a ghost.

They talked of bright light and many angels

who sang lovely as a heavenly host.

I quickly knew that was what I had seen.

They told us the message they’d been given

so we prayed with these messengers

feeling with them the closeness of heaven.

These men were poor people just like us.

I saw Mary had a smile on her face.

She had come to the deep conclusion

This babe was a gift to the human race.

Born to the lowly in a lowly stable

and to the lowly the message first came.

The wealthy and important in that town

had not yet been told of the baby’s name.

Emmanuel was the name God had said.

“God with us” is what this name means.

This child was God present in the flesh

and it was demonstrated in these scenes.

Herod and all the people in control

when this great even had taken place

were not aware for a couple of years

when some wise men came to make their case.

Herod was threatened by a new born king.

did not understand the implications.

He thought the new king was for Israel

But he was king of all the nations.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Turkey Vultures at Camp

By larry r Linville

A pair of turkey vultures sat

high in the branches of a tree

as the young campers cars arrived

as far their eagle eyes could see.

They’d seen them come and go before

and they’d never done any harm.

They wondered what would happen this time

since the weather was so warm.

They talked to the lowly sparrow

whom God’s eyes were always set on.

The sparrow told them not to fret

because God’s care is never gone.

They watched the campers from above

as they sang and as they prayed.

They seemed to love God’s great beauty

when they studied and when they played.

As the campers left the camp

the vultures bowed to pray

and thanked God they could share their world

with God’s people another day.

And they asked one another

if those campers who looked so odd

could see the wondrous beauty

and know it was given from God.

Just then the sparrow flew by

and gave both vultures a wink

and said, “they worship our God too!

at least that’s what I think.”

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birthday Wishes for My Country

By larry r Linville

What do you want for your birthday?

we ask our family and friends.

Perhaps we should ask our nation

before Independence Day ends.

We can give some small gifts to her

for all she has given to us.

Perhaps we can highlight her good points

rather than just sit around and cuss.

I’ll bet she would really like it

if we lived the faith that we claim

showing more love and compassion

instead of all our words of blame.

Maybe we can try to get along

with people who have other views

while working on things in common

bringing about a lot of good news.

We could try to live like Jesus

with forgiveness our primarily goal

caring for the needs of each other

as we help true justice to roll.

Let’s take time out from hot dogs,

swimming, fireworks, parades and flag

and realize we can be humble

while we lift up our voices to brag.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Jesus Woke Up In The Tomb
By larry r Linville

I wonder what Jesus was thinking
when he opened his eyes in that tomb
with the darkness blacker than black
and nothing could be seen in the gloom.

I wonder when he got to his feet
and carefully folded the shroud
just as the stone rolled wide open
very slowly and it wasn’t loud.

Was the sky so bright it hurt his eyes
but he soon saw the flowers in bloom
as he walked for a short distance
and turned to look at the tomb.

I wonder how the women’s coming
touched his loving tender heart
and he watched the men in white robes
gave a message for them to depart.

What did he think as he saw Peter
following John to stand at the door
and leading him inside the tomb
standing puzzled looking at the floor.

It must have touched his feelings deep
when Mary thought him the gardener
but he spoke her name just as he had
on the day he first pardoned her.

I wonder what Jesus feels today
when Easter becomes real in our life
knowing it will bring us victory
to our lives filled with much strife.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I had the strangest dream last night
like many dreams it was bizarre
filled with various images
funny as they usually are.

I brought some kittens home with me
just as cute as they could be.
My larger dogs tried to eat them
but I jumped in to set them free.

I worked hard with the dogs and cats
and I helped them live together
they soon became the best of friends
in storms or in pleasant weather.

Someone gave me the biggest snake
which I didn’t want to take home
but I put him in the front room
and I thought I would let him roam.

Before I’d even turned around
he tried to swallow a kitten
which I retrieved quick as I could
and saw that I had been bitten.

Next he reached out to grab a dog
which was just trying to play
the snake bit my other hand
as I pulled my dear dog away.

When I awoke I was in shock
and tried to interpret this dream.
My past studies had taught me
to search for a common theme.

The kittens were my small problems
the dogs made the problems greater
the snake was the much larger threat
which showed up even later.

Little problems always exist
but they’re swallowed by those bigger
and we don’t like to tackle big ones
though we should, we don’t seem eager.

If we solve the little problems
the big problems still are there
but solving big problems first
can help us avoid such despair.

Unsolved problems which are so big
seem to hide the small ones away
but if we deal with each at once
we’ll solve the others another day.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Pure Heart
By larry r Linville

Based on Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God.”

What can I do for a pure heart.
What must I do to get it done?
I’ve worked hard to make it happen
but it seems I’m always on the run.

I can read God’s word every day
and that is a good thing for sure
but that, in itself, won’t do it
no matter how long you endure.

Only God creates the pure heart
and that’s what he desires to do.
So you must open wide your life
and let him create it in you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Creation Sings Praise
By larry r Linville

How shall we express praise to God?
Lightning shall flash like a strobe light
thunder shall beat like a snare drum
while a soft horn tells us it is night.

The sirens will give us warning
that great danger is always here
while the coo of a turtledove
reminds us that God’s always near.

So listen to the world’s chorus
and dance with all creatures on earth
proclaiming the greatness of God.
and telling the world of His worth.

Come all from youngest to oldest
and raise you many voices as one
knowing that when the praise is overit has only just begun

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Old Country Road
By larry r Linville

The road to town was hard to travel.
It didn’t have near enough gravel.
The early spring thaw and the heavy rain
complicated the hilly terrain.

You had to navigate all the ruts
knowing your tire chains would make more cuts..
When they got so deep the car would drag
you had to learn how to zig and zag.

Sometimes you couldn’t help getting stuck
and a tractor pulled you from the muck.
You hoped the sun would shine the next day
so you could drive to town all the way.

During the summer the grader came
and worked hard for the road to reclaim
but the fall rains began their assault
and we couldn’t seem to make it halt.

Deep winter snows came to set the scene
with no time to clear it in between
and we knew we’d go through it again
with the spring thaw and the heavy rain.

This cycle was completed each year
and the fact it would happen was clear.
Every year it would get us all down
until we finally moved into town.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Bikers and Robins of Spring
By larry r Linville

Bikers and robins have appeared.
The bikers covered in leather
and robins with their red breasts
celebrating the spring weather.

Bikers drive through fast food places
getting greasy burgers to eat.
Robins just get to feast on worms
as they sing their short high pitched tweet.

They’ll both disappear a short time
as winter returns a brief while.
Then with warm weather they come back
and they both will wear a big smile.

They are the first to welcome spring
because they can’t patiently wait
so they try to rush the season
which seems to them always late.

You can watch your geese migrating
and listen for the croaking frog.
I’ll wait for robins and bikers
before talking of spring in my blog.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Words of My Mouth
By larry r Linville

(based on Psalm 19:14, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O God.”)

My words are just like dynamite
they can build up or destroy
it depends on how I use them
whether they bring sorrow or joy.

My words are controlled by my heart
when I take time and hesitate.
Heart and mind work together
when with God’s Word I meditate

I meditate when I take time
to allow God’s spirit inside
with heart and mind working together
God’s message enters to abide.

So let these two be in balance
as natural as my breathing.
That’s when my heart’s meditation
will become words that are pleasing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How Majestic is Your Name!
By larry r Linville

(based on Psalm 8)

What does “majestic” mean today
when we are not ruled by a king
when presidents do not capture
any image to make us sing?

Perhaps what makes God majestic
is something not found in a name
but in the beauty of this earth
in which children learn of His fame.

No human could create the stars
and put the planets in their path
spreading farther than we can see
beyond counting by all our math.

Why has God made us so special
and placed us in such high esteem
giving us leadership duties
and the ability to dream?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

By Streams of Water
By larry r Linville

(based on Psalm 1:3)

Plant me by streams of water, Lord
and send my roots down very deep.
Fill my heart with nurturing love
and on the straight path help me keep.

Help my limbs extend to give praise
with leaves and abundant fruit
which grow large and so tasty
because they have a healthy root.

Extend the seasons we produce
the fruitfulness of your grace
to share the good news of your love
for all folk of the human race.

May those streams of living water
with a great abundance flow
so our green leaves never wither
and the winds of your spirit blow.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ads On TV
By larry r Linville

As I sit with remote in hand
watching my favorite TV
when a commercial comes on
I think there’s a conspiracy.

When the program stops for an ad
I switch to another station
and they have a cute little dog
getting served some Ken-L- Ration.

I switch again quick as I can
and possibly pick up a game
but there’s another commercial
and I can’t remember its name.

Commercials seem to be in sync
by now I forgot where I switched from
and I get those awful singers
from some crazy credit dot com.

I guess I need to spend money
to get myself a new Tivo
and fast forward through commercial
to watch a commercial free show.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reflections on my Call
By larry r Linville

I didn’t know at the age of twelve
when I answered God’s call to preach
that the commitment I had made
would be difficult for me to reach.

I had a laity concept
of what a preacher’s job is about
when sometimes the sheer magnitude
can smother a person with doubt.

I couldn’t imagine the great bliss
that comes when you help another
or how much pain there can be
when you work with a sick brother.

I never guessed the long hours required
for what I thought an easy career
and yet when I felt exhaustion
my heart could overflow with cheer.

I could never guess how many folks
would share a special place with me
in the deepest of priceless bonds
more special than anyone could see.

There are no words that I can find
in my best poetic creation
to express the inexpressible
of my God-given vocation.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Help from the Hills
By larry r Linville

(Psalm 121:1. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from?)

Lift up your eyes and look for help.
God’s help is surely there.
The secret of your happiness
depends on where you stare.

It’s hard to feel encouragement
when you are looking down.
When your focus in on the ground
your face will wear a frown.

So look to the hills – God made them
to give you added power.
When others seem to be failing
You’ll have your finest hour.

It’s also good to show a friend
where they can find the hills
and help them lift their eyes above
to fill their lives with thrills.

And don’t let others bring you down
while looking at your feet
just change your vision higher up
so you’ll avoid retreat.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday -- 2012

What Are You Giving Up?
By larry r Linville

“What are you giving up?”
A dear friend asked of me.
“Giving up?” I questioned
“Yes, for Lent, don’t you see?”

I’ve seen folks give up things
They don’t like any way
Like spinach or turnips
Or a naughty word they say.

Much better if they agreed
To give up evil actions
Like gossip and hot anger
Would bring more satisfactions.

How about adding things
During the days of Lent
Like sharing love with others
Love which is heaven-sent.

Add the study of God’s Word
And increase our life of prayer
Living the kind of life
Just like Jesus Christ is there.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I was asked to write a welcoming poem for Black History gathering on Sunday afternoon.

Welcome to Black History Celebration
By larry r Linville

Welcome to our celebration
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
Who fought hard against prejudice
A recorded in His Word.

Jesus loves the little children
including all of us today
Red and yellow, black and white
As we work and as we play.

Let’s give thanks for Dr. King,
Rosa Parks and others of fame
And for all those other heroes
Whom many do not know their name.

May this time of celebration
Draw us closer to each other
And may it help us see our God
In each sister and each brother.

Please send us from this gathering
To be a sermon with our life
And make a powerful witness
To confront our world filled with strife.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back to the Past
By larry r Linville

Sometimes an image from the past
Emerges inside my brain
just like I was there again
With feelings I can’t explain.

It may be a pleasant odor
That prompts me to remember
The perfume my wife was wearing
When in college I first met her.

Or the Chordettes “Mr. Sandman”
Transports me back so far
When going to a youth meeting
With our sponsors in a car.

A hymn sung in a church service
That in my old home church I heard
Can place me in a special pew
As the preacher shared God’s Word.

I wonder what will happen now
As I’m passing through today
Which someday many years from now
Might cause great movies to play

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Goat Latin
By larry r Linville

A university study
About the bleating of goats
Found they have various accents
Which may have to do with their throats.

I learned of this on the radio
They told of the studies they did
Please don’t think I’m pulling your leg
On this topic I would not kid.

Each herd has its own frequency
And they follow voices the same
When the goats hear that special pitch
There’s no need to recall the name.

So Billy and Nanny and kids
All speak the same language it’s true
And if you were also a goat
They possibly may talk to you.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Poems For Money
By larry r Linville

If I wrote my poems for money
I’d be skinny as a rail
My clothes would fit me poorly
And my skin would be quite pale.

I’d have to walk everywhere
Since my car would have no gas
And I couldn’t mow my lawn
Which would grow one foot tall grass.

I might stand on a street corner
With a sign written very good
That I’d show to every driver
With a message,”I’ll rhyme for food.”

But I don’t write poems for money
It’s more like playing with a toy
I share them with other people
With the hope it will bring them joy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lift Your Arms If You’re Sure
By larry r Linville

I’m secure in my maleness
As secure as I can be
My wife’s sweet deodorant
Is good enough for me.

I often cannot find my Brut
Or other manly smelling stuff
When you get to my advanced age
There’s no need to prove you’re rough.

I saw that plastic dispenser
When I awoke from my nap
So I picked it up in great haste
And slowly removed the cap.

I turned the wheel at the bottom
And it advance some soft clear gel
While I rubbed in on my arm pits
I noticed a different smell.

I looked at the container
On which was printed Icy Hot
And knew in a split second
Her pain killer I had got.

My body smelled like Ben Gay
An ointment smell was so plain
It gave me a strange aroma
But my arm pits had no pain.

Next time I’ll look more closely
Before my deodorant I don
Because once it’s been applied
It can never be withdrawn.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Distracted By His Cell
By larry r Linville

He swerved into my lane
I slowed and gave him space
I might have said some bad words
About not being in a race.

As I moved up beside him
I saw him on his phone
The car seat behind him
Told me he was not alone.

That increased my anger
More than a notch or two
He put his life in danger
But his small child’s life too.

I glared at him intensely
though he didn’t look my way
If I could get his attention
I’d have a lot to say.

I don’t think he was texting
But his eyes weren’t on the road
The responsibility for that child
Should have been a heavy load.

When I turned off at the ramp
I saw he was still there
And the only thing I could do
Was to say an extra prayer.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Stoplight
By larry r Linville

When I approach an intersection
it never seems to be much fun
not knowing when it turns to yellow
and making me through the red to run.

Should I rush to beat the yellow
or slow down to play it cool
and risk that the guy behind me
will think I’m some kind of fool?

If I slam on my brakes to stop
that might not be so kind
and result in a bent bumper
from the guy too close behind.

If I drive safely as I should
as carefully as I can
some young whippersnapper
may yell, “Park it, old man!”

And if I push the limits
going through as it turns red
some nice lady may stare at me
while she wishes I was dead.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Matthew 25 revisited
By larry r Linville

I said I was hungry
and you just complained
about those on food stamps
though two jobs I maintained.

I said I was naked
and you left me standing there
laughing at the old rags
which I was forced to wear.

I was sick with an illness
but you shrugged and ignored
even though insurance
I could never afford.

When I was a stranger
you looked the other way
because I looked different
you had no kind words to say.

You saw me in prison
and talked of my crime
while you said I could rot there
until the end of time.

Meanwhile you quoted
the scriptures which you chose
and said you love Jesus
more than any of those.