Friday, April 13, 2007

getting started

Well, this novice is giving it a try. I absolutely do not know what I am doing. I've had several persons pushing me. So, let me introduce myself. I am a 65 year old semi-retired United Methodist Pastor. I have served churches in Missouri -- most north. I have had a variety of experiences including writing sports for a weekly newspaper for 9 1/2 years. This resulted in a book of daily devotions: "Getting Fired Up. Devotions for the Christian Athlete."

I recently discovered an ability (God given) to write poetry. I'm not sure how good it is but I have had good reviews. Poems are good if they are not shared, so I plan to share them here.

I will probably talk about other things as well.

I'm going to push that orange button that says "publish" and see what happens.

Larry Linville

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