Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birthday Wishes for My Country

By larry r Linville

What do you want for your birthday?

we ask our family and friends.

Perhaps we should ask our nation

before Independence Day ends.

We can give some small gifts to her

for all she has given to us.

Perhaps we can highlight her good points

rather than just sit around and cuss.

I’ll bet she would really like it

if we lived the faith that we claim

showing more love and compassion

instead of all our words of blame.

Maybe we can try to get along

with people who have other views

while working on things in common

bringing about a lot of good news.

We could try to live like Jesus

with forgiveness our primarily goal

caring for the needs of each other

as we help true justice to roll.

Let’s take time out from hot dogs,

swimming, fireworks, parades and flag

and realize we can be humble

while we lift up our voices to brag.

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